Live currency exchange rates

Check the latest rates, view historical performance for your currencies and get a free quote from a currency expert when you are ready to make a transfer.

Live currency exchange rates

Check the latest rates, view historical performance for your currencies and get a free quote from a currency expert when you are ready to make a transfer.

Live exchange rates

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Please note the above rates are a live interbank rate, not the exchange rate we offer, and are for indicative purposes only.

Please contact our currency experts for a live currency quote

Our team are available via telephone from Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 6pm.

Whether you need to make a payment today, or three months in the future – we can help

We cater for all of your money transfer needs, and we are also experts in helping people to buy property abroad. We’ve guided people through emigrating, investments abroad and bringing funds back to the UK from overseas to name just a few.

Frequently Asked Questions

How currency exchange rate movements affect you
No-one can control foreign exchange rates. They are affected by virtually any and all economic and political news. Anything from revised inflation forecasts to political machinations, from British house prices to an American President tweeting late at night, can shift the value of the currency you hold.

On some days, if you’re lucky, you could find the market rates have moved in your favour. On others, negative fluctuations could leave you out of pocket. If you’re transferring funds to buy property, just a 1% fluctuation could push that dream home well out of your budget.

We’re here to help you avoid the risks associated with the international currency markets, and to provide some certainty when it comes to your transfers. Every service we offer, from expert guidance and content, to granting access to the interbank currency exchange rates, is designed to minimise your risk of losing money.

What are interbank exchange rates?
Interbank rates are the headline rates you’ll see quoted on the news. We also use these rates for our live rates monitoring tools and charts. These are the live exchange rates at which the banks are trading currencies with each other in huge volumes. While you can use these rates as a guide to how currencies are strengthening and weakening, they are not on offer to the general public.

Smart, however, can help you ensure that changes to the rates don’t kill off your long-term dream of buying a home abroad. We offer a range of services to protect you from movements. We will help you make informed decisions and we will help you budget. It all adds up to peace of mind.

Most of us don’t often have the time to constantly monitor live currency rates. That’s why we need experts like Smart Currency Exchange.

We offer solutions that help you to avoid the risks associated with rates dropping and will protect your property buying budget.

Speak to a currency expert

Take advantage of the current currency exchange rates by speaking to one of our dedicated experts today. We have a wide range of tools and services available to help you get the most value out of your payments.

We handle your data with care and only ever as outlined in our Privacy Policy.

What are the predictions for major currencies?

Download your FREE Quarterly Currency Forecast which covers:

  • Which currency will be strongest this summer?
  • Are there black swans amidst the green shoots?
  • Can inflation be defeated, and at what cost?
  • Extreme currency predictions from major banks

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Please contact our currency experts for a live currency quote

Our team are available via telephone from Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 6pm.