Free Guides
We want our clients to buy safely, and while we can offer guidance and answer your questions in person, we also produce a range of guides to download and keep with you. They are written by experts and cover the key aspects of international transfers and buying overseas.Dedicated guides for property buyers
Buying a property may be only half of the story, however. If you buy abroad, how will Brexit affect you? If you need to send money back to the UK, what is the best way of doing that?
We have guides that cover all of these popular questions.
All of our guides are written by experts with years of experience within the currency exchange or property industries. As they have faced the same challenges as you, they are perfectly placed to share their wisdom.
Educational material for all levels of understanding
Every Smart Currency Exchange client is allocated a personal trader to walk them through the process, to explain the services and to address any questions or concerns that crop up along the way. In addition, our Market Updates will keep you informed of the day’s currency movements. This free email will explain what happened to currencies the previous day, and the economic and political moves that could affect the value of your currency tomorrow. It can be sent direct to your inbox, every morning.
For more detail on how currency movements can affect your property buying budget, and what you can do about that, read The Property Buyer’s Guide to Currency. It is written by our traders and is filled with insider tips.
Having helped people to buy their dream homes abroad safely for over a decade, we have built up a body of expertise, along with our partners at Rightmove, Property Guides, Your Overseas Home and others. We have worked with these organisations to produce many more fascinating and useful guides, including Buying Guides for countries all over the world, currency forecasts, Moving back to the UK and more.
Look out for new guides as we produce them. Don’t forget to check out the useful information from our trusted partner, Property Guides, for detail on buying in all your favourite countries, as well as guides to Healthcare Abroad, Negotiating Abroad, Your Viewing Trip and many more.
Rated Excellent for Currency Exchange & Money Transfers

My account manager fully understands my currency needs. I make small currency transfers but he always gives me a competitive rate and great service.
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